October 12, 2013
Tae Kwon Do
I wanted to start Tae kwon do after watching all of the "Karate Kid" movies. I also watched "Kung Fu Panda". It looked like a lot of fun. On the way to the dentist in Dubuque, I noticed the sign at Northeast Iowa TKD and asked my mom if I could try it.
My mom took me to watch a lesson. That is where I met Mr. Johnson, and watched the students practice. During my first lesson, I thought I was going to die! Then after a few lessons, I really liked it.
I have learned a lot from tae kwon do. It has taught me responsibility. I know that if I don't get good grades that I can't take my black belt test. I work really hard to get good grades. I know that I can defend myself. It has also taught me I can accomplish anything, if I work hard for and put my mind to it.
Tae kwon do is important because it has taught me responsibility, respect, kindness and self confidence. One day on the school bus, my cousin that rides the bus with me, was being picked on by an older boy. I was able to tell the older kid to stop. He backed down.
The hardest part of tae kwon do, for me, is doing the snow runs. I have done them in Garnavillo with Mr. Johnson and at black belt classes in Cedar Rapids.
My favorite part of tae kwon do is free sparring. I like the challenge of reacting to different people's combinations. I have also liked meeting other kids at class and tournaments. I really like being part of Mr. Johnson's tae kwon do family.