October 12, 2013
On February 22, 2011, I started my first TKD class with my son Owen. Having a short discussion with my wife telling me that I have to take Owen to class because, she had to stay home with our daughter. She also told me that I should practice with him. Knowing not to disagree with my wife, I went; I had never seen a class before. It turned out to be one of best things she has done for me. Once I walked in the door seeing Mr. Johnson and the other TKD students warming up. I knew TKD was going to be above my capabilities.
I tried a number of times to talk my son out of going to class. I am glad it didn't work. This also gave me time to talk to my son on the way to class. On most nights, I get home late from farming and don't get to see him much. I think doing TKD has brought our family together. After a couple of weeks and learning Chon-Ji. I felt more confident and my energy was much higher the next day. I had many failed attempts at gym memberships. I think the TKD family, the values it teaches and the wanting to learn more brings me back. Every class has a new challenge or something to improve on. In life, there is always a problem to get through. I always tried to stay away from being in front of a crowd of people. Since joining TKD, it has made me face my fear and do it no matter what. I can remember going to my first tournament in Nashua. I wanted to find a good reason not to go, but I could not find one. I was glad I went. I found out showing up is the hard part. I don't know if I will ever get over my fear of being in front of people but the more tests, tournaments and demonstrations I do. The easier it becomes.
After my last brown belt test in April, I felt like I was in the best shape that I had been in a long time. I was going to class three nights a weeks and black belt class on Friday. Then in May while practicing Chung-Mu my knee gave out when I did the jump twist. I found out I tore my ACL in my right knee. I had to take a break from TKD. I never took a break from farming. I got up the next morning, milked the cows and got the field equipment ready for planting. It has taught me a lot about my own perseverance. Mr. Johnson said there was going to be a lot of blood, sweat and tears to get your black belt. I know I had my share of tears trying to get my work done. I kept saying to myself if I
can make it through Grandmaster Jung's black class I can make it through this. The doctor said six weeks no TKD, so to heal faster I went to physical therapy. I went to class a few times with my kids to watch. I knew then I was going to be back somehow.
The first time I went to physical therapy I was approached by man that saw I was wearing a Jung's TKD shirt. I told him that I was a student of Mr. Johnson's. He said when he was young he was a student of Mr. Bushbomb's. As I was taken away to work on my knee bends, the man said "he's a Jung's TKD student he won't give up". To me hearing those words and my wife encouragement, made me work harder at strengthening my knee and getting back to class. I came back after a month with a leg brace that I got from a TKD student. It is good to have a friend when you are down to help you out. Going back to class I knew that I would have some limitations. I was able to work around problem with my knee. By keeping my knee bent at all times. After going back to class I realized that I was no different than anyone else. Everyone has their own limitations that it be physical, family, work, and financial. The ones that find ways around their limitations and put forth their best to me show their indomitable spirit.
At testing time I plan to be less than 200 pounds that will be a 60 pound loss since I started. In doing this I hope recovery after my knee surgery will be much quicker. I owe a lot to TKD on getting my health back on track and making me a better person.