October 12, 2013
Why I Joined Tae Kwon Do And What It Means To Me
I joined Tae Kwon Do because I wanted to lose weight, and to make new friends. Some of my new friends are Garrett Arp, Mr. Sioman, and the Knock family along with many others. Tae Kwon Do relates to me because I study all the blocks, stances, tenants and practice writing my name in Korean which by studying all of this helps me with studying proper for school. I also inspired my dad to join, he made it to second temporary brown belt before he had to quit due to a bad ankle. I'm proud of his accomplishment. When I received my uniform, I really liked it but didn't know how to tie my belt so I asked a black belt to show me. Every time I got promoted I was really happy that I received a new belt, they are some of the best days of my life! Two months after being promoted, I had the pleasure of meeting Grand Master Wood - he is my friend no matter what. Grand Masters Jung and Wood are the ones who inspired me to never quit and told me that you can never stop improving. I ask a lot of questions to Grand Master Wood so I can get to know him better. When I was a green belt, I was improving on my technique and meeting more new people. Now that I'm a brown belt, I need a lot more help on things like remembering how to do my form correctly and saying all the meanings of the forms without having my book in front of me. There was a time when I didn't test, during this time it means you practice even harder and longer. By doing everything correctly, eventually your time to shine will come because you never gave up. If you like something, you should keep doing it and be the best at it that you can be no matter what anybody else thinks. Its about what you want - not what anybody else wants no matter how embarrassing it is. No matter what you do, you're always a winner even if you didn't succeed. For me when I lose, I practice even harder and push myself to do better than last time till I get it right. Tae Kwon Do helps me out a lot in life it has taught me to be more active and not to be a door mat. It has also taught me to stand up for myself and others when being bullied at school. Being in Tae Kwon Do, has made me more responsible at home and helped me through some tough times in life. I have been in Tae Kwon Do for almost 4 years now, its getting harder with every promotion I get. I really like being in Tae Kwon Do, it gives me challenges that I can face. The five tenants of Tae Kwon Do helped me to be courtesy to others. Gave me respect for others. Not getting upset with myself if I didn't do something right. It also gave me the courage to face things head on. Tae Kwon Do is really fun for me- its my life and proud of all my accomplishments though it!