Monday, February 17, 2014

Steven Goldstein

First Degree
Two Rivers Martial Arts

 My Tae Kwon Do Journey

If one would compare Tae Kwon Do to climbing Mt Everest, this upcoming temporary black belt test is like reaching the base camp.  This test is not the end of the journey, but the beginning. I look forward to beginning my real education in the martial arts.  Twenty three years ago I started my training with Master Heintz at the old Black Belt Academy.  An injury followed by life itself delayed my return to martial arts.  I was lucky enough to find Two Rivers, and it has felt as if I never left training.  Although, I will concede that waiting 23 years to become eligible for Temporary Black has tested the tenet of Perseverance on my resolve. 
This second time around has had much more meaning to me.  I am able to enjoy this journey with my family.  It was not long after Jacob and I started classes that Mallory became quite eager to join us.  Jule came along, at first for the novelty, and now enjoys the experience in her own right.  Leading the very busy work life that I do, having an activity that the entire family enjoys is very special and unique.  Aside from the time at class, this will give me a bound to my children that I hope they will remember long after I am gone. 
One of the unexpected surprises from Tae Kwon Do class has been the friends that we have made over the past two years.  We have gotten to know and spend time with some great and fun people that we probably would have never met.  It is great to spend time with our new friends outside of class, and most of the time now we talk about things other than TKD and the school.
Many people have been supportive of my journey to this point.  I would like to thank Mr. Brown and Mr. Siever for taking on the roles of my primary instructor, first in West Des Moines and then at the Hub.  I would like to thank Masters Williams and Ferguson for all of the extra training, support and encouragement they have offered over the past three years.  Most of all, I owe a great deal to my wife and kids for going on this journey with me.  They have sacrificed a lot of family time in the past few months as I increased my training for this test.  Having them here with me, makes coming to class worthwhile.
Tonight is the last night of Hanukah for 2012.  If I make through and pass then I guess great miracles can happen.

Pil Sung,