Monday, February 17, 2014

Ethan Staner

Temporary Black Belt
Edgewood Branch
February 8, 2014

The Building Behind My House

My name is Ethan Staner.  I am in 5th grade at Ed-Co Elementary.  I live in Edgewood, Iowa.  Edgewood is a town of about 800 people.   I’ve been involved in baseball, youth football, soccer, basketball, and cub scouts.  I love to ride my bike around town and explore as I go.  I have explored many places and I already know that when I turn sixteen I want to work at Kendrick Forest Products in Edgewood.    Although I knew a lot about what was going on in Edgewood, I always wondered what was in the white building that was tucked away in cornfields behind my house.  

This white building was the home of McDowell’s Tae Kwon Do.  My mom gave me the option to go out for wrestling or try tae kwon do.   I thought I would try tae kwon do since I always wondered what was in that building.  My first visit I meet Mr. Fisher Woodley.  I thought right then and there that I would love tae kwon do.  I couldn’t wait to stand on the mat and do all those cool moves.   I am glad I continue to participate in tae kwon do because it gives me something to do all year round.

I have grown so much since starting tae kwon do in 3rd grade.  I have also learned a lot about tae kwon do.  Soon after I started, I quickly memorized the tenets of tae kwon do.  As months went on, I realized I knew them better than memorizing them.  I was confident in my skills and I began to help others at class.  With that, I earned a Junior Leader badge from Master McDowell.  Master McDowell was proud of me and I was too.  I was his first ever student to receive such a patch.  Each class I make sure to help those belts lower than me and be involved in the class.

My favorite thing about tae kwon do is going to the tournaments.  The best thing about the tournaments are sparring random people.   I have been fortunate that my parents have taken me to many tournaments.  One of the best tournaments was the one in Louisville, Kentucky just this past October.  I also participated in the Iowa Games this past Janaury.  When I am sparring at tournaments, I think about getting points and getting the gold.  I have done well over the few years I have participated in tournaments.  I have many medals hanging on my wall and trophies sitting on my shelf.   My most memorable tournament is winning first place in Louisville, Kentucky by doing the form Toi-Gye.  I was very confident and proud!
            As I continue through my tae kwon do adventure, I am learning more stuff each class and making new friends.  However after all these years, I am so nervous to test for temporary black belt.  I will put aside those nerves and reach for indomitable spirit and make myself proud.   As far as that building tucked away in cornfields in the back of my house, I am sure glad my mom and I explored that building and I that I have learned the art of tae kwon do.