First Degree
English Valley and Grinnell
August 9, 2014
Comparisons and Training
I often compare Tae Kwon Do and other Martial Arts i have learned with everything i do see and hear such as bands like Black Veil Brides and Crown THE Empire. When Andy sings and screams it comes from his core like a kiahp should in Tae Kwon Do and Martial Arts. Even though Andy was never in Tae Kwon Do he still had the perseverance and Indomitable spirit of Tae Kwon Do and kept his spirit when he was told he could never start a band by a records company because no one would like the band or support the band. Andy had the Indomitable Spirit and Andy kept his spirit even when he got bullied in high school. Even when Andy dropped out of High school he still had the perseverance and Indomitable spirit of Tae Kwon Do to carry on in life and to live his dream and because Andy never giving up Andy and his band have come a long way. Because Andy used the perseverance and Indomitable Spirit of Tae Kwon Do this just goes to prove anything is possible as long as you believe in yourself and if you have Tae Kwon Do you can do anything. A long time ago one of my instructors students came up to me and asked why Master Gibson sometimes has us do the same things a lot i told the student he dosent always do this but when he does its for us because what we learned does not always stay with us because it is not engrained in our minds yet. But by Master Gibson having us do the same things it gets engrained in our memory's and because Master Gibson has us do the same things our Perseverance and Indomitable spirit of Tae Kwon Do increases and for this i forever thank Master Gibson. I also use Tae Kwon Do and other Martial Art training to compare movies in movies we see self defense that is possible and that is not possible Tae Kwon Do has given me and everyone else in Tae Kwon Do eagle eyes and with eagle eyes comes the power of observation so we can all tell what is possible and what is not possible. I use my eagle eyes and powers of observation to take in what is real and to single out what is not possible and with what is impossible i try and see if i can tweak it to make it possible and if i cant i bring it to Master Gibson and we can find a way to make it possible I thank Master Gibson for making the Impossible to the Possible.
Training: My training has taken me far with Master Gibson and Master Philips as well as others including Grand Master Jung who if it was not for him none of us would be here and i thank Grand Master Jung for coming to Iowa and helping us all live our dreams. I have found many things about myself through Tae Kwon Do i have found out that Martial Artists see through different eyes when everyone else just sees stormy skies. I believe that All Martial Artists hold the key to make the world a better place. I believe that we should all have more perseverance and the Indomitable spirit of Tae Kwon Do like Andy Bier sack had and still has that we should use our eagle eyes to make the impossible possible i believe all of us have a purpose on earth we all have a key all we need is the door to live our dream and purpose. i believe we all have the ability to change the world for good never give up on your dreams because your dreams are who you are meant to be. and when all else fails " Lift up your eyes discouraged one when you feel like giving up when they say it cant be done its up to you to show them why their wrong! reach for the sky nothings impossible once you realize the strength is inside!" "Memphis May Fire Legacy"