August 9, 2014
My Rainbow
The best part about a rain shower is when a rainbow occurs. The clouds build up precipitation and they get so full they just have to let it all out. On the good rainy days, the sun appears just as it ends raining and I can look at the sky and see a rainbow. Rainbows are so full of color and worth every ounce of the rain that fell to see it!

At the early age of 5, I was in kindergarten and wearing a WHITE belt. I had just started my journey. I remember Ms. Lancaster helping me learn my form – Chon Ji. I was only a white belt for a week before I earned my YELLOW belt. My memory as a yellow belt is when Mr. Tony McDowell was working with me to learn one steps and I hit his bad knee and he went down. In February of my kindergarten year, I tested for my ORANGE belt. With the color orange around my waist, we went to a tournament in New Hampton. This is when I did my first hammer fist board break. It was really awesome because I didn’t even know I could do it! To finish my kindergarten year, I earned my BLUE belt. I always remember Mr. McDowell telling me how great I was doing and how he was impressed that I hadn’t missed a test yet! Guess I was just one awesome kid!
The summer of my first grade year, I tested for high blue and my GREEN belt. Classes were not as fun without out Ms. Gina and Mr. Tony there. Finally as a first grader, I had earned my high green and BROWN belt. One of my favorite memories as a brown belt was going to Kentucky with other tae kwon do families. It was a good time and watching that tournament was pretty amazing! All the people from Iowa did a good job.
As a second grader, I took my TEMPORARY BLACK belt test. I was so nervous for the test. I didn’t even know I had to read my essay out loud. I started to cry a little bit and then Mr. McDowell and Grand Master Jung lifted me up to their shoulders. It was really fun.
Well, its no ROYGBIV but the colors of my Tae Kwon Do rainbow are worth just as much to me as when I see a real one in the sky. Lots of memories are in my rainbow that no one will ever be able to take from me! My rainbow has been worth every ounce of hard work I have put into it!!