First Degree
April 12, 2014
Now That I'm A Temporary Black Belt
After my temporary black belt test I was really proud of myself. On promotion day after the colored belts all got promoted Mrs.Knock called me, Mr. Arp and Miss Zhorne up to be promoted. After Mr. Arp and Miss Zhorne got promoted Mrs. Knock came to me, she asked if I was proud of myself,and I said "yes ma'am, thank you for preparing me for my temporary test. Now that I am a temporary black belt students in Tama Branch ask me more questions and ask me for help on their forms. I have a greater role of responsibility in TaeKwonDo now then ever. I have been practicing TaeKwonDo for about five years and it has paid off. I love TaeKwonDo and it taught me more right from right and wrong and in self defense it's the matter between life and death. My favorite part of TaeKwonDo is meeting new people. TaeKwonDo affected my life when I first joined TaeKwonDo. The first day of TaeKwonDo was a beginning of something new. TaeKwonDo means everything to me. Everybody I know is happy that I got my temporary black belt. Junior Grand Master Wood and Grand Master Jung are very proud of my accomplishment. Right before my temporary black belt test I asked Junior Grand Master Wood if he could help me with the ending of ChungMu.TaeKwonDo helped me with my balance and control. My discipline changed through TaeKwonDo. I do sports other than TaeKwonDo. I tried baseball one year I didn't like it. Then I tried tennis and I liked it. I have been taking tennis lessons for five years and I prefer TaeKwonDo over tennis. As I entered the proshop I saw a man with a long white beard. I asked him his name and he said "I am Master Wood". Then at the time, now it is Grand Master Wood. Every time I test I help him in the proshop. I get know more about him and he gets to know more about me. He helps me with my forms and my definitions. I am thankful for what he does. My dad is thinking about coming back to TaeKwonDo but his ankle hurts him. He helps me study my TaeKwonDo and helps me remember my definition and the movements in all the forms. Grand Master Wood had polio and he's an eighth degree black belt and he taught me to never give up.