Monday, February 17, 2014

Emma Staner

Temporary Black Belt
Edgewood Branch
February 8, 2014

Tae Kwon Do and My Life

My name is Emma Rose Staner.  I am 7 years old and I am a second grader at Ed-Co Elementary in Colesburg, Iowa.  I joined tae kwon do when I was in kindergarten and 5 years old.  I wanted to join because it looked so cool to do, so I told my mom and she said it was ok.  I thought the moves looked really cool too.  Now I am almost going to be a black belt.  I think its still cool but there is so much more about tae kwon do that I like!

One thing I like about tae kwon do is that I have so many new friends.  Not only is one of my best friends, Claire Aulwes, in class with me, I got to meet new friends like Mr. Fisher Woodley, Mr. Tony McDowell, Mr. Bryce Wulfkuhle and Ms. Gina Owens.  I want to be like Ms. Owens when I get big.  She is really good at tae kwon do.  I always have a lot of fun with her when she comes to class.  She always wants me to do my best.  We went to Louisville, Kentucky with Master McDowell, Mr. Tony McDowell, Ms. Gina and some other people.  I had so much fun.  I didn’t participate in that tournament but next year I am going to.  I like it when those black belts come back to class and help us learn new forms.

My favorite thing about tae kwon do is breaking boards.  I remember going to Ms. Bendickson’s tournament where we had to break as many boards as we could.  The black belt holding the boards told me to break so I just broke with a hammer fist.  It was my first time and it was so cool.  I didn’t even know I could do it.  I do hammer fist a lot now.  Sometimes I have a hard time jumping over people to do a flying sidekick but I never give up.  I try really hard and keyup really loud and I always get it.  I have learned I can do a lot if I don’t give up!

I know the tenants of tae kwon do and I use them everyday.  I have 6 people in my family.  I have a mom and dad and two brothers and a sister.  My sister is Megan and she has Rett Syndrome.  God made her that way and she is so fun.   She is in high school and I help my mom with her.  Sometimes its just making her laugh, maybe I need to put her socks on and sometimes I have to make her lunch.  One day my mom had a hurt back and couldn’t help Megan.  I fixed Megan’s lunch and made sure she got everything she needed.  I know my friends don’t have sisters like I do and its okay because Meg is really a good sister.

    I have a lot of favorite things about tae kwon do.  I am glad my mom takes me to class and I am happy to see my friends.  I can’t wait to go to the next tournament to do a hammer fist break.   I have a lot of things I would like to learn at tae kwon do.  I wonder how many strips I will have on my belt when I graduate high school?  I have a lot of confidence that I will do good at testing.