December 14, 2013
Tae Kwon Do
Tae Kwon Do has given me a different perspective on life. It has changed the way I look at things. It makes me feel good about myself, because I have reached that one big goal in Tae Kwon Do. Now my goal is to reach that next belt.
Now that I have been in Tae Kwon Do for a while I do things more independently, but I can still work with others fine. It has showed me to depend on myself, and not have others do everything for me. I am glad that I have been in Tae Kwon Do. I have more confidence now that I have done something with Tae Kwon Do. I am also more respectful to people outside of class. I have caught myself in school saying ma'am. They comment on that, and say thank you for using that kind of respect. They will ask who said that and when I say it was me they smile and thank me. Tae Kwon Do has changed my view on things very much.
I am more physically fit too. I know I am tougher because of the hits I have taken from Grandmaster Jung. Also when you get to a higher rank you have more contact during free sparing. As a higher belt you get hit and you give some pretty good hits too. I am physically better to because Tae Kwon Do can tire you out fast. When you get to the higher test they with test your athleticism. They will work you hard, and you will sweat out what seems like a hundred pounds. After the test is over it feels great. You feel like you have really accomplished something special. You just want to fall a sleep for a week. I know that this test is going to be the same way.
I am preparing myself for this test the best I can. I have been gone from Tae Kwon Do for the last couple of months. I have also been playing sports during that time. I have done football and wrestling. The practices are every night after school. For the last couple weeks I have had morning practices for wrestling. So, after school I have been going to Tae Kwon Do. I have been attending Black Belt classes to help me get ready for my test. Mr. and Mrs. Lamb have helped me a lot. They have given me encouragement to test when I didn't think that I would. Mrs. Lamb gave me a book that she made that had every form written in her words. That helped a lot for me. I go through it before I get to class. I want to thank them for encouraging and supporting me. I also have been going through my forms in my head, and have shown my parents several times. They help a lot because they ask me to show them my forms. They also ask me to share my meanings with them. I practice those because my mom tells me to go through them until I memorize them. She tells me to do one meaning a night. I am also glad to have Mrs. Knock as my instructor. She has been like another parent to me. She helps me with everything. I have had a lot of help from some great people.
I hope to do good during my test, and am glad that Mr. and Mrs. Lamb will be there with me. It helps a lot. I hope they do great and I know they will. So, good luck everyone.