Saturday, September 21, 2013

Timo Mobley-Benoist--Temporary Black Belt Test

August 10, 2013
Grinnell Branch, Jung's Taekwondo
Instructor: Mister Gibson

My Philosophy of Taekwondo

Kick, kick, kick, things can be boring in taekwondo but they're important because you need muscle memory. Sometimes things can be really easy but that doesn't mean that you can't improve. Taekwondo can get really hard but you have to keep on going and improving and the more you improve the better taekwondo is. In taekwondo there are some exciting and there are some boring parts but that doesn't matter because it is just fun. When I was an orange belt I was hitting the bag 2 feet. Now I'm hitting the ceiling. Now I have not quit because I know that I still have a lot to do, but I'm really proud of what I've already accomplished.

My temporary is like a white belt to the new adventure of black