Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Kyla Shakespeare, Temporary Black Belt

Kyla Shakespeare
Temp Black Test
June 1, 2013

            In the fall of 2005 I started Tae Kwon Do with my son and my daughter.  We attended regularly for quite some time.  As the weather changed and became warm outside, we quit going to Tae Kwon Do.  This vicious cycle went on for several years, but Tae Kwon Do never left our hearts or minds.  It was always present.  As my son grew, his interest went towards farming and not Tae Kwon Do.  My daughter and I have left him behind and continued on.
            Somewhere along the way, we met Master McDowell and started taking lessons from him.  Master McDowell is such a great instructor and has taught us so much.  He has such an incredible love for Tae Kwon Do.  His love is shown not only in his teaching, but for his students, his school, Grandmaster Jung, and it is his life.  Master McDowell doesn’t just stand in front of our class and teach, he truly cares about his students.  He cares about the way our forms look, our techniques, our kihaps, our attitudes, and being the best we can be.  This is all a reflection on him.  For me personally, I want to look good, so I can make him proud.  Master McDowell has told us getting a black belt is not a race as long as you get there.  Well, that is me.  It has taken me years and Master McDowell hasn’t given up on me, just encouraged me.  Now I’m finally there!
            The road to my temporary black belt test has not been easy.  I struggle with learning my forms.  It seems to take me longer to learn things than the younger students.  At times, I can tell they are frustrated with me.  This is where perseverance comes into play.  My goal is to learn my form and not give up!  This road has also given me self-confidence I didn’t have before.  I am also more aware of my surroundings when I am out and about. 
Learning Tae Kwon Do, I have been able to use all the tenants in my everyday life – not just in Tae Kwon Do.  Courtesy is an easy one to use every day.  Just going to the store, so many people seem to be in the own world.  A simple hello or thank you takes them off guard.  Integrity is to be honest, good, earn respect and trust.  I am a very honest person and believe I have earned respect from those whom I have relationships with.  Perseverance is basically setting a goal and sticking to it.  I went to college while my children were young.  I was able to complete my degree by having perseverance.  Being in Tae Kwon Do, I have learned even a small goal is a goal.  I set goals all the time.  I love it when they are reached.  Self-control is an easy tenant for me.  This is practiced every day.   Indomitable spirit can sometimes be a challenge, but I try to never have my spirit broken.
Being in Tae Kwon Do, the black belts are very helpful and patient in helping and teaching.  They have set some high standards for the rest of us to follow.  When I receive my temporary black belt, I know I will need to have the same standards as the rest of the black belts.  I hope I am able to set a good example for those students below me.  My training will not stop once my belt is earned.