Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Joey Bailey--First Degree

First Degree
Main Dojang
December 13, 2014

Things That I Have Learned From Taekwondo

I have learned many important lessons since I began my study of Taekwondo. When I first entered the Dojang, I had the same motives that most other teenagers have when they begin martial arts. I wanted to be stronger, tougher, and way better than everyone around me. But just like every other student who has good teachers, I promptly learned that fighting skill was not the primary benefit gained from Taekwondo.

Instead I learned discipline, humility, and focus. I learned that age has very little to do with one’s proficiency in Taekwondo. I have seen many people, whether older than me, or younger than me, whose skill heavily outweighed my own. I learned that there is a huge difference between buying a belt and earning one. I do not like to say this, but I have seen Taekwondo practitioners whose belt level does not match their skill. That is why it is so important that we consistently maintain the highest standards for ourselves and those whom we instruct.

My favorite part of Taekwondo is forms, and I have the privilege of Mr. Jung’s daily guidance on Taekwondo practice and teaching. I can honestly say that I have never known anyone whose expertise and knowledge of Taekwondo exceed that of Mr. Jung. I am also grateful to every senior black belt who has remained loyal to Mr. Jung and expended so much energy over the years into Taekwondo. I would never want to train under anybody else.

Pilsung and Komsahamneedah.