Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Paige Wenger--4th Dan Test

August 10, 2013
Tae Kwon Do in My Life

As I began preparing for my fourth degree black belt test, I started to reflect on my  journey in Tae Kwon Do. I have been in Tae Kwon Do now for nearly half of my life. It  began as a hobby, something to do for fun, but over time it has become a part of my life  and a part of who I am.

I first joined the Northeast Iowa branch when I was in fourth grade, almost ten years  ago. Initially I had signed up because I had seen it was something my brother really  enjoyed so I thought I would give it a try too. I had no idea what to expect and I  really didn't know anything about Tae Kwon Do or Martial Arts. I began training  regularly, going to classes three nights a week with my brother. As a young color belt I
 saw Tae Kwon Do as a hobby and a way to help me stay in shape. I did not yet fully  understand the meaning behind the five tenets of Tae Kwon Do. As I have progressed  through the ranks, I have continued to learn and build upon my understanding of  courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control, and indomitable spirit, as well as  using them in my everyday life.

Perseverance is something I think I have used the most during my life outside of Tae  Kwon Do. During high school I used perseverance to do well in my classes and maintain a  high grade point average in order to graduate at the top of my class. Starting college  last fall, I used perseverance even more than I had in the past. I am majoring in nursing and some of my courses were very challenging, like  Microbiology and Organobiochemistry. I demonstrated perseverance during those courses,  spending a lot of extra time studying for exams, going to extra discussion sessions on  the material, and talking with my professors. At the end of the semesters my hard work  and perseverance had paid off. I didn't necessarily enjoy either course, but I worked  hard and pushed myself to do the best I could.

Courtesy is something else I use everyday during encounters with different people.  During classes I would come across people with very different opinions than my own, but  I was always courteous and respectful to them. In addition to adjusting to college  course work, I was also on the women's golf team. During our seasons in the fall and  spring I had to miss a lot of classes for golf tournaments. Most of my professors were
 very understanding and willing to work with my golf schedule, but there were a few who  were not as nice. Most professors were willing to go over the notes from lecture with me  when I returned or allow me to turn assignments in online. However, there were a couple  of professors that still penalized me for missing class, even though I did the  assignment. Either way, I was always courteous when speaking with my professors and  scheduling times to make things up.

Self-control is one tenant that I am still working on, especially during golf. I get  very frustrated and mad when I don't play well. I always want to do my best, especially  during tournaments. When I have a couple bad shots or a bad hole, I get very upset. When I use self-control, I am able to overcome those few bad
 shots and move on from them, allowing myself to play better on the next hole. I also  demonstrate self-control at school. Living at school, an hour and a half away from home,  I didn't have my parents there to check up on me and make sure I was getting all of my  things done. It was up to me to make sure I had all of my assignments read and turned in  on time. Sometimes it took a lot of self-control to say no to hanging out with friends  and instead spend time studying or doing homework.

During my time in Tae Kwon Do, I have gained confidence in myself, met many new people,  and learned many things. Tae Kwon Do has become a part of my life and has helped shape  who I am today. As I continue with school and my life after that, there will be many  situations that make me feel uncomfortable or people who I disagree with. Through Tae  Kwon Do I xhave learned how to handle those situations as well as how to treat people  and act in everyday life. I plan to continue with Tae Kwon Do while I'm in college.
 Although I may not always make it to class like I would like, Tae Kwon Do has taught me  many lessons that I will take with me for the rest of my life.