Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Fisher Woodley--3rd Dan

Aug. 10, 2013

Tae Kwon Do means a lot of things to me. For all the years I have been involved in it I have learned that it is not just a physical self-defense, but much, much more. It is also a bond between you and the people beside you in class. It is also a bond between you and the instructor in front of you. Finally it is a bond between you and every other Tae Kwon Do person in the world. I have learned the full extent of this bond this past summer when Mr. McDowell took me and his two sons, Tyler and Tony, to Alaska, to compete in a Tae Kwon Do tournament.

When we first arrived in Alaska we were met by master Yu, two of his kids and another of his Black Belts. They had a sign that said Jung's Tae Kwon Do so we would know they were there for us. When they saw us they started clapping and shouting out for us to come over. After a long day of flying this was a great way to arrive. None of us had ever been to Alaska and it already felt a little more like home.

From the airport we went out to eat and didn't have to pay a dime for it. From there Master Yu gave us one of his school's vans to use as transportation; saving us from having to get a rental car. It was like we were family, and he had only just met us. Next we went to see his school which was amazing. They have a huge Do Jang. The bottom is for practicing and the top is for learning about Tae Kwon Do. He gave us a tour of the whole place and with every new person we met he introduced us and we a received loud applause every time. He made us feel like we were welcome there from the second we stepped in to the second we left when he drove us to the airport. I tell you this story because it showed me the bond that two total strangers have when they are both in Tae Kwon Do.

I have known about bonds through Tae Kwon Do ever since I started because I have met some of my best friends through Tae Kwon Do. Bryce who is testing beside me today has been beside me in every test but one. He is one of my closest friends I've ever had, and probably will ever have. Tony McDowell is hopefully watching and I've traveled the country with him, and we aren't done yet. Without Tae Kwon Do I wouldn't know either of these guys as well as I do. Also my bond with my instructor is one that wouldn't be possible if not for Tae Kwon Do. He is a father to me and one day I want to grow up to lead a school just like he does now. If I can get anywhere near to as many quality Black Belts as he has I'll be happy. If not for you sir none of the Edgewood gangsters would be here today. Thank you.

No matter where you go in this world, if there is Tae Kwon Do people I believe that you are home.