Thursday, June 13, 2013

Martin Hunt, Temporary Black Belt Test Essay, Test 238, June 1, 2013

                                                                    Martin Hunt
                                        Temporary Black Belt Essay
                                                      June 1, 2013

February 2011:
White Belt Martin Hunt: I was a very shy 13 year old boy. I was also very small and still am very small for my age. I spent most of my time playing video games. If I was not playing video games I was on the computer. As a matter of fact, I started taekwondo because I wanted to be more like the characters in my video games. I quickly learned that I wanted to be myself and not a character in a game. It took me   4 months to convince my parents that I wanted to do taekwondo. They only agreed if I promised to stay with it for 6 months. I had started a few other things and gave up when it got too hard. That was a promise I am proud to say I kept.
As I moved along in the belt order I grew in my skills, and a surprise bonus I found an extension to my family. All of the people at Jung’s have become like family to me. We have done lots of demos and other fun things. My parents and sister have also been very active in taekwondo as well. My dad will be testing for his yellow belt the same day I test for my temporary black belt. My family has been very supportive of me and Jung’s.  It has been so good for me and my family. I can’t wait to see my  dad get his temporary black belt.
June 2013:
1st permanent Brown Belt Martin Hunt: I am testing for my temporary Black Belt. I am now 15 years old, still shy and still small for my age but taekwondo means something totally different to me now.  It is my way of life now. I am so much stronger, more powerful and even a little bit more outgoing.  Taekwondo is not what I do, it is who I am.    
When I sat down to write this essay   I decided to look up the definitions of the tenants of taekwondo.  I wanted to compare them to what I thought the meanings  were. 
Courtesy: polite behavior ( I have learned to be kind and helpful to everyone. I make sure I help out all of the new white belts. I remember how it felt to be the new guy. I want new people to feel welcome. )
Integrity:  values, methods, measures, principles (I try to be honest and helpful in all parts of my life. This is something my parents feel very strong about and have always taught me how important it was to have Integrity.)
Perseverance: steady persistence in a course of action (I try to keep working on my forms and breaks. Never giving up when it’s a struggle.)
Self-Control: control one's emotions, behavior, and desires (When I spar with someone I use self-control so I don’t hurt them.)
Indomitable spirit: this one is much harder to look up. I feel like I have a great example of Indomitable spirit. My first tournament was very scary. My first competition was forms and there were 4 of us. They had all 4 of us stand together at the end. I was asked to take a step back. At that point I knew all of the others had gotten a medal and I did not. That was very hard for me but I took a deep breath and continued on. I then was able to medal in board breaking. I knew I could do it and did not give up. The spirit of taekwondo is inside me now and will be forever.
I am very grateful for everything to Grand Master Jung, Mr. Gibson and everyone who has helped me get to this point.